Need custom design but don’t have the big guy budget? Are you a talented designer with looking for opportunities to earn money from your creativity? Businesses and graphic designers turn to
agency marketplaces like DesignCrowd for better, cheaper and faster
ways to work together and freelancing is booming.
As a customer you might be asking yourself what happens after your design brief is launched. For designers, once you’ve read the design submission standards, your next challenge is to submit winning designs.
What are the roles and responsibilities of each party? How long does the process last? This infographic describes the typical timeline for design projects and steps you through each stage of the customer and designer journey on DesignCrowd.
There are six phases during a project journey.
Project Launch
After the project has launched, it appears on the design jobs board and designers can browse jobs listings to find projects that suit their skills.
Submission Period (2 to 14 days)
In this phase, lasting from 2 to 14 days, customers receive designs and provide feedback via comments and star ratings on designs they think have potential. They eliminate the designs they don’t like.
Tip: Check out our 5 step guide to running a successful design contest.
Designers need to read the brief carefully and submit designs that follow the customer’s requirements. Avoid using common, overused design concepts and link design variations that iterate on the same context.
Deciding Phase (up to 14 days)
When the submission period closes, you will have an additional 14 days to provide feedback, request changes and select a winning design.
For designers, its important to remain patient during this phase and continue to work well with clients while they evaluate a good number of designers before providing feedback. If you’re design gets elminated, don’t get discouraged. Find a new project!
Winner selection (7 days)
Customers will select a winner and finalise the project with the winning designer. This includes giving feedback to designers and requesting final tweaks. If your design was not selected, this marks the end of the journey. Don’t get discouraged and keep particpating in design contests to improve your skills.
Handover Phase (5 days)
Winning designers have 5 days to complete the final customer requests and upload the source files and deliverables.
Customers can download the source files to review and check everything is in satisfactory order.
Payment Approval
The final step is to approve your designer’s payment.
Designers, you can keep track of your payments via the Payouts log tab in your account. Learn about the different payment statuses.
Ready steady go!
Do you need a professional infographic design? Get inspired and browse more professional infographic designs on DesignCrowd.
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Written by Jo Sabin on Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Jo Sabin is Head of Designer Community at DesignCrowd. She’s led the company’s public relations and social media programs since 2012. With more than ten years’ experience working with Australian and international tech startups in the creative industries, Jo has been instrumental in meeting DesignCrowd’s objectives in Australia and abroad. Get in touch via Twitter.