Saturday, July 27, 2024

Computer science

Controversial CRISPR scientist promises “no more gene-edited babies” until society comes around

The subject is genome editing. Of course, it’s a technology for changing the DNA inside of individual cells, including embryos. It’s hard...

Establishing Standards for Embodied AI – Communications of the ACM

Embodied Artificial Intelligence (EAI) involves embedding artificial intelligence into tangible entities, such as robots, equipping them with the capacity to perceive, learn from,...

The Download: AI’s math solutions, and brewing beer with sunlight

AI models can easily generate essays and other types of text. However, they’re nowhere near as good at solving math problems, which...

A new tool for copyright holders can show if their work is in AI training data

These AI copyright traps tap into one of the biggest fights in AI. A number of publishers and writers are in the...

Roundtables: CRISPR Babies—Six years later

CRISPR Babies: Six years later Speakers: He Jiankui, CRISPR Pioneer, Antonio Regalado, senior editor for biomedicine, and Mat Honan, editor in chief...

PsiQuantum plans to build the biggest quantum computing facility in the US

The company has opted not to build small-scale quantum computers (such as IBM’s Condor, which uses a little over 1,100 qubits). Instead it...

AI trained on AI garbage spits out AI garbage

“You can certainly imagine that the same happens with machine learning models,” he says. “So if the first model has seen half...

Computational Complexity: Complexity in Michigan

Invited Speaker Nutan Limaye, Conference Chair Valentine Kabanets,2024 PC Chair Rahul Santhanam, myself, 2025 PC Chair Srikanth Srinivasanand 2025 Local Arrangements chair Swastik Kopparty enjoy...

Why Chinese companies are betting on open-source AI

Catch up with China 1. While a Windows system outage disrupted computers across the world on Friday,...

Why the Chinese Could Win – Communications of the ACM

Currently, a real “battle of the giants” is unfolding in the market for chips designed for use in real-time artificial intelligence systems. A...

The Download: AI’s self-regulation promises, and predicting the weather

One year ago, seven leading AI companies—Amazon, Anthropic, Google, Inflection, Meta, Microsoft, and OpenAI—committed with the White House to a set voluntary...

analogs | application of q-Pochhammer symbols

The previous post looked at the probability that a random n by n matrix over a finite field of order q is invertible....

How’s AI self-regulation going? | MIT Technology Review

But AI nerds may remember that exactly a year ago, on July 21, 2023, Biden was posing with seven top tech executives...

Solvability of linear systems over finite fields

If you have n equations in n unknowns over a finite field with q elements, how likely is it that the system of equations...
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