Friday, March 14, 2025

Part 2: Learning HTML – DEV Community

Programming LanguagePart 2: Learning HTML - DEV Community

July 6, 2024

I am working on Codeacademy’s HTML Fundamentals Lesson and have learned a few HTML concepts:

  • Start an HTML file with the <!DOCTYPE html> declaration. This allows the browser to interpret the file as containing html content and works with the correct version of HTML.

  • The next line should contain the <html> element. Add all of the code between the html open and closing tags.

  • Information which will not be shown/rendered on the web page is contained inside between the <head> open and closing tags.

  • Use the <title> element inside of the head to display the web page name on the browser’s tab.

  • Use <a> anchor elements to add links to internal/external pages.

  • You can organize your code (spacing/indentation) however you like and it won’t reflect on the web page (unless you are nesting incorrectly, which is why indenting and spacing to create readable code is important!).

  • Use the following syntax to comment out code or information from the html file: <!-- content -->" . The content inside of this code will not be visible on the web page.

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