Saturday, July 27, 2024

Learn AI Engineering with OpenAI and JavaScript

Programming LanguageLearn AI Engineering with OpenAI and JavaScript

Adding AI to your applications can open up a bunch of great features and uses. We just posted a course on the YouTube channel that will introduce you to AI Engineering using the OpenAI API and JavaScript.

Created by expert Scrimba instructors Tom Chant, Per Borgen, and Guil Hernandez, this course offers an immersive introduction to building AI-powered web apps.

This course is designed for those who have been watching the rise of OpenAI-powered apps and want to join in. Starting with a practical project that involves analyzing stock market data and providing investment recommendations, you will get hands-on experience with the GPT-4, OpenAI’s advanced generative AI model.

The course then moves on to AI-driven image generation with DALL·E 3, OpenAI’s latest image generation model. You will learn to create vivid images from simple text inputs while gaining insights into AI safety and industry best practices.

By the end of this course, you will:

  • Understand how to integrate the OpenAI API into applications.

  • Master the settings and techniques to maximize the output from the OpenAI API.

  • Have a portfolio-ready AI-powered app.

  • Gain critical knowledge about AI safety and best practices.

The course covers everything from AI engineering basics to deploying AI apps using Cloudflare. Key modules include:

  • Basics of AI Engineering and understanding API mechanics.

  • Practical challenges such as Prompt Engineering.

  • Advanced topics like the “Few Shot” Approach and Fine-tuning.

  • Deploying secure and robust AI applications using Cloudflare.

So if you are ready to learn how to build and deploy AI-powered applications that are not only innovative but also industry-ready, check out the course on the YouTube channel (2.5-hour watch).

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