Most developers spoil themselves with fun command line utilities to make their work easier and more efficient. One such command line helper allows developers to always show the git branch in the command line. How can you get the current branch? With this handy snippet:
git branch --show-current
It’s great to keep this snippet around for any automation you may create moving forward!
5 More HTML5 APIs You Didn’t Know Existed
The HTML5 revolution has provided us some awesome JavaScript and HTML APIs. Some are APIs we knew we’ve needed for years, others are cutting edge mobile and desktop helpers. Regardless of API strength or purpose, anything to help us better do our job is a…
Form Element AJAX Spinner Attachment Using MooTools
Many times you’ll see a form dynamically change available values based on the value of a form field. For example, a “State” field will change based on which Country a user selects. What annoys me about these forms is that they’ll often do an…
Create a Clearable TextBox with the Dojo Toolkit
Usability is a key feature when creating user interfaces; it’s all in the details. I was recently using my iPhone and it dawned on my how awesome the “x” icon is in its input elements. No holding the delete key down. No pressing it a…