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Gallery APP – DEV Community

Programming LanguageGallery APP - DEV Community

Building a Photo Search Gallery with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Hello developers! Today, I’m excited to share a simple photo search gallery project that allows users to search and view photos from Unsplash. This project is designed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to provide a user-friendly interface for browsing photos.


  • Search for photos using keywords.
  • View a grid of photos on the homepage.
  • Click on a photo to view its details.
  • Download the original photo.

App Preview




The application is deployed and can be accessed via the following link: Photo Search Gallery


  • Home Page (index.html): Browse a grid of photos.
  • Search Page (search.html): Search for photos using keywords.
  • Detail Page (detail.html): View detailed information about a selected photo.


To use this application, you need an API key from Unsplash. Replace API_KEY in common.js with your Unsplash API key.

Technologies Used


  • Designed and Developed by: Sudhanshu
  • API: Unsplash


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


I hope you find this post helpful and informative.

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