Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Evolution of Fullstack Development: Responsibilities and Trends in 2023 

Programming LanguageThe Evolution of Fullstack Development: Responsibilities and Trends in 2023 

Remember when google (lowercase initials deliberate) was not a verb, the seafaring Netscape was all the rage, and the yodelling-sounding catch-all site Yahoo! was the king of search engines? If you do, there are two underlying ruminations: the first is that you’re undoubtedly a millennial, and your knees probably ache on rainy days; the second is that, gosh, look how far we’ve come since then. At that point in time, even before the controversial term “fullstack” came into fruition, programming — even if it meant bringing on JavaScript to an old website — was undoubtedly an eternal, tedious process where an untraceable typo could spark off a hard drive crash.

Luckily for you, coding geniuses now rule the world (of programming), and they’ve made things far easier for pros and beginners alike. In 2023, the coding realm is chock-full of new languages that can be used to create nearly anything imaginable and can be learned by anybody. If you’re reading this article, chances are that you’re already a fullstack developer, or you’re planning to become one. 

What better way to get to know your present dream job than taking a trip down memory lane to discover how full stack development came to be what it is today? So sit back, unpack, and read our brief overview of the evolution of fullstack.

The Startling Evolution of Fullstack Development

Fullstack development isn’t new: it existed since the moment software development took over our keyboards, screens, and collective imagination. Back then, the process of designing, creating, testing, and deploying a web application was not as complex. Thus, making it possible for one person to single-handedly carry both front and backend development. This meant certain developers could code entire web applications — a thing uncommon in the early 90s, as opposed to plain websites — without requiring assistance from specialised professionals and technologies. 

However, with the rapid growth of the internet and the increasing complexity of web applications in the early 2000s, a split came forth between frontend and backend development. Frontend developers began focusing on creating visually appealing, interactive, and user-friendly interfaces, while backend developers handled server-side logic and data management. According to sources close enough to the boom and bloom of the computer science discipline, the term “full stack” became a sleeper hit around 2008, only a year after the Flash-destroying iPhone dropped and laid the foundation for a discipline we now call mobile development.

As technologies continued to advance and new tools and frameworks emerged throughout the 2010s, the role of the fullstack developer evolved to encompass expertise in a diverse range of skills, tools, and technologies, making them uniquely suited to navigate the complexities of modern web development.


Fullstack developers are now dominating the vast world of the web, translating business needs into integrated and innovative technological solutions. According to Stack Overflow, by 2018 there were close to 6 million software programmers in Europe, and specific sources point out that around a third of them were indeed fullstack developers.

Fullstack developers know multiple languages and can translate ideas into finished products, reducing the cost of any project. These professionals are ‘all-rounders’ of the programming world, as they aren’t only familiar with the particular concepts used in this field and generalised concepts. 

Hiring fullstack developers is and has been extremely helpful for companies, their agility, experience, and most of all, their flexibility to work with an extensive range of knowledge in varied areas is an all-around time-saver. This is directly reflected in the job market: being a fullstack developer is the second-best job in the United States, according to Forbes. 

Skills and Techs Fullstack Developers Need in 2023

Fullstack developers master both front and backend technology, so it is necessary to master at least one of each to become one. 

Fullstack developers need to know the primary language (for example, JavaScript, DOM Manipulation, HTML, and CSS) combined with the crucial aspects of frontend development, such as user experience, validation, and responsiveness. They also need to be familiar with one or more frontend frameworks or libraries (such as React, jQuery, Backbone JS, and Angular). Finally, they should always be up-to-date with the new frontend development and regularly be on the look for new updates. 

Fullstack developers must be at the prime of website development, knowing all the elemental parts of it, including server configuration, APIs, and any other services. At least one backend language must be known well (Java, Python, Ruby, PHP, and C#) combined with their respective backend frameworks (Spring, .NET, Django, Rails, Express, JS). 

fullstack art screen pic

Database know-how is also fundamental to being proficient at this job. Fullstack developers need to know how to work with its key processes, including manipulation, management, creation, storage, and data erasing. It’s also necessary to learn database software (such as NoSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle) as this knowledge is the nucleus of the stack developers’ skills.

Top Stacks and Frameworks for Fullstack Devs in 2023

A stack is the fusion of languages, platforms, tools, and frameworks used in application-building. There are various popular ones from which any stack developer can choose. Still, the best one for you may depend on the project requirements you may be working with, your familiarity with the language, and your personal preferences. 

The MEAN Stack

MEAN is the acronym for MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js. This is one of the most popular stacks of 2023. It’s a complete JavaScript, single-language-based stack. This means, you can use a single code multiple times through the application, which is far less complicated and time-consuming than reinventing multiple codes. All frameworks from this stack are very popular (as they are free and open source) and have great support from an ever-growing community. 

The MERN Stack

As the name suggests, it is very similar to the MEAN stack, the only difference is that Angular is replaced by React. It’s a virtual JavaScript library for building interactive user interfaces and single-page applications. React uses Virtual Dom, meaning adjustments and modifications can be easily made. 

Python Full Stack

Python is one of the modern universal programming languages used to build scalable, fast web applications. Full Stack Python consists of Python, Django, Apache, and MySQL. Its simple syntax and compelling features make it suitable for machine learning and data science applications. Because of this, Python fullstack developers are in high demand

Ruby on Rails

This is one of the most classic tech stacks used to build end-to-end applications. It’s object-oriented and developer-friendly, providing an entire collection of application development tools that facilitate web application development. Ruby on Rails developers are experts in the frontend, backend, and database parts of web development. This stack is perfect for startups as it has guaranteed best practices, making it faster and easier to write codes and debug.

In Conclusion

So, there you have it, folks! This incredible journey of the history of fullstack developers, from their early ( and not that early) beginnings to their current state of endless possibilities. Now, it’s your turn to start creating digital masterpieces, a simpler task now that you’re equipped with these skills, stacks, and frameworks. Greatness will arrive swiftly… and if you can’t wait to get started with fullstack roles, the Honeypot platform is here for you. 

Happy coding, and may the force of full stack be with you! And, while you’re immersing yourself in the world of fullstack development, why not stay up-to-date with the latest tips, tricks, and trends while subscribing to the .cult newsletter

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