Tons of logo designs have different purposes. But one, in particular, makes sure that your market WANTS you upon first contact—a creative logo.
You need to be unique and stand out from the competition. A creative design hits two birds with one stone since YOU express who you are as a business the best way you can.
Check out the designs below to get inspiration.
Creativity in Logo Design
Your logo design is a sure way to grab and retain your audience’s attention with strategic marketing. When done designing, your final graphic comes to life. Now, you can put them on any medium like business cards, letterheads, email signatures, social media posts, etc.
Using a creative style allows you to express who you are as a brand in a non-cliche way that your targeted customers will be grateful to see. A fresh, simple, and intriguing design is the strength of showing creativity in logos.
Some ideas you can think of to help you create the perfect brand visual are:
The latter is in all caps since it’s one of the sure ways to be distinct and creative. Now, let’s get into the templates to give you a better idea of how to start your logo design process.
Creative Logos For Strong First Impression
The first thing your market will see is your logo, if not the second since they visited your website or social media page. It’s better to be equipped and have an eye-catching design that grabs their attention for all the right reasons.
We divided the designs into six categories to help you find your visual faster:
Abstract Logos
If you need a sleek but professional visual, try using abstract logos. It’s a unique image that uses geometric shapes and lines to express your brand’s story and ideals.
Check out the abstract design ideas below for inspiration:
3D Cube Hexagon by JimjemR
3D Gradient Cube by town
Abstract Letter X logo mark by Shihab | Logo designer
Bold, Abstract Health Care Logo Design by Professor P
Bold, Printing Business Logo Design by isasistudio
Bold, United Government Logo Design by Matt Bradshaw
Circle Rose Flower by novita007
Digital heart, logo symbol / icon exploration by Alex Tass, logo designer
Elegant, Building Real Estate Development Logo Design by fatiyadesign
Expansion (musical play mark) by artology
Georgian letters – ? and ? by Davit Chanadiri
Globe House Bucket by marcololstudio
Leafy Branch Circle by Mypen
Letter X Colorful Logo Design by Mahamud hasan Tamim
Left Up Arrow + R by Logovect
Modern, Business Health And Wellness Logo Design by Foxelate
Modern, Commercial Professional Photography Logo Design by Anthony
Modern, Urban Logo Design by BUNG
Paper+Cloud Logo Design | Abstract Cloud Logo by Sumon Yousuf
Paper Plane – Apollo Logo Design by Sanaullah Ujjal
Professional Blue Crown by DanikBrt
Professional, Safe Non-profit Logo Design by Omee
Purple Zigzag House by ions
Swirly C Logo Design (Unused) by Mihai Dolganiuc
Animal Logos
Using animal designs is common because they represent specific characteristics. Like a horse represents power and speed, while a dove represents purity. Each of those two appears in famous brand designs at some point.
So why not try it out?
Find your creative animal logo below:
Animal Logo Design by blue eye
Awesome Fox Creative Logo by robertos_enwirto
BETTA FISH by graphicup1
Colorful, Pet Pet Logo Design by vyasa
Deer Animal Letter J by FishDesigns61025
Descriptive Logo Design by Ana 15
Digital Art | Dear illustration | NFT by Freelancer Tanbir
Elegant, Animal Clothing Brand Logo Design by Kornelius 2
Elegant, Different Logo Design by MINNIE GRAPHIC
Elephant Mammoth Animal by town
Feminine, Colourful Pet Care Logo Design by step forward 2
FROG LOGO by Ogi Latoh
Geometric Minimal Animal by spayro
Heart Duck Animal by novita007
Koala Icon by Omega-Pixel
Modern, Cute Logo Design by Yassine Voinchet
Monoline Goat Animal by eyed
Moonbear Logo Design by Upnow Graphic
Playful, Pet Logo Design by YAZIKO
Rocket Bee by Omega-Pixel
rooster line art logo design by Jenggot Merah
Twin Fish by Upnow Graphic
two deers glass maker logo design by Jenggot Merah
Wild Fox Animal by novita007
Wild Lemur Animal by shen02
Yellow Bumblebee Bee by Mypen
Emblem Logos
Give your brand a nostalgic yet professional look with an emblem logo. This design is excellent for businesses that want to pay homage to their place of origin or the general history of how their business came to be.
Brands like Lamborghini, Dairy Queen, Harvard, etc., use emblem designs for their respective businesses. Check out the ideas below and find the perfect one for you:
?? by mase ????
Aktiebolaget Bläck & Nål by Emir Ayouni
Attorney Scales Company by novita007
Better Beer Badges by Zach Roszczewski
Bold, Beautiful It Company Logo Design by mildtravis
Bold, Creative Fast Food Restaurant Logo Design by macadesign
Craft Beer Badge Design by PATT POSII
Elegant, Cool Logo Design by H-H Arts
Elegant, Valley Prosthetics and Orthotics Logo Design by Avartde
Hexagon Airplane Travel by town
Jet Travel Home Accommodation by town
Legal Column Pen by marcololstudio
Minimalist Luxury Swan by JimjemR
Minimalist Triangular Bird by spayro
Moa Earthworks Logo Design by Coric Design
Modern, Education Education Logo Design by VGB
Obey the Riff by Emir Ayouni
Octopus by Four Hands
Personable, Beer Craft Brewing Logo Design by Gigih Rudya
Professional, Bird Film Production Logo Design by BuntarBG
Soccer Football Corner by JimjemR
Secret Society of Grilled Cheese by Melody Rose
Snake Oil ?? by Andrew Alimbuyuguen
Tropical Palm Tree Travel by yulianrhmn
Waterfall Badges by brian hurst
Pictorial Logos
If you just want an icon or image as your brand’s visual, you’re using a pictorial logo. Make sure you build your brand recognition, and this logotype will serve you well in your design endeavor.
Find your design below:
Bold, Great Logo Design by JoseDesign
Bold, Potato Cafe Logo Design by mildtravis
Desert Travel Agency by ArvinP
Diamond Rose by UNOM design
Dinosaur Logo by Ery Prihananto
Dumpling Food Delivery by marcololstudio
Elegant, Wine Logo Design by H-H Arts
Fast Food Hamburger by hailsatan
Feminine, Creative Logo Design by alpino
fishing by Mamas Cacing
Herbal Sketches by José
Hippie Van Traveler by town
Kennels Vintage by Tanvir
Mexican Taco Food Shop by marcololstudio
Modern, Different Cigarette Logo Design by antoneofull
Mountain Travel Wordmark by GianC
Pictorial Logo Design for AWWDA by Alem Afzalli
Playful, Cute Hvac Logo Design by Cactus Designs
Playful, Unique Bakery Logo Design by Neil
Professional, Creative Media Logo Design by Alex_Yaroshenko
Shipmates by ataslayar
Ship logo design by BrandQuee
Timber Moon cabin logo by FrostyRay
Upmarket, Black Construction Company Logo Design by Neil
Vintage Antique Lamp by JimjemR
Vintage Rose Clock by shen02
Pixel Logos
Want a retro feel to your brand’s logo? Use a pixel logo for that 8bit feel. Old games have this kind of design, so it brings back feelings of childhood nostalgia. But be careful on the usage since you could sometimes appear tacky.
But allow us to help with these cool pixel designs:
1144 – Pixel Boy by Gustavo Zambelli
Blue Digital Pixels by royallogo
Bold, Deadly Entertainment Logo Design by Omee
Bold, Simple Logo Design by Classy Custom
Clever Platform logo design by Md Rasel
Hades by Hamza
Iced pixel by Andrii Kovalchuk????
Logo Design by Skooch Creative
Modern, Company Mobile Media Application Logo Design by sushsharma99
Modern, First Digital Printing Logo Design by Tasnova 2
Pixel Audio Speaker by podvoodoo13
Pixel Blue Buildings by Mypen
Pixelated Brewed Coffee by AlvinA
Pixel Letter F by Mypen
Pixel Letter R by wasih
Pixel Pig Game by MDS
Pixel Power Glitch by Riri
Pixelado by Gustavo Zambelli
Pixeraffe by Badr
Playful, Branding Logo Design by Vishak vasu
Professional, Huge Logo Design by cLeReT 2
Project Godjira, pixel art Godzilla NFT collection logo design by Alex Tass
Roasted Pixels by Sava Stoic
Serious, Modern Automotive Logo Design by ecorokerz
SpriteSoft by ValMoran
u letter mark logo | pixel logo by Freelancer Tanbir
Wordmark Logos
Lastly, if you want your business name as your visual, use a wordmark logo. This design relies heavily on typography and negative space.Â
Take inspiration from the designs below:
After Midtown – Tape Logo by Corey Thomas
Away – 2nd version by Helvetiphantâ„¢
Bold, Simple Telecommunications Logo Design by Atvento Graphics
Camera Logo Design by Atvento Graphics
Colorful, Good Logo Design by Maher Sh
Die Jerk Logotype by Antonio Calvino
DRIXX Wordmark Logo Design by Gert van Duinen
Elegant, Cool Logo Design by dyogab83
Elegant, Cool Logo Design by jtcreativity2213
Elegant, Unique Entertainment Industry Logo Design by Oct-O-Ray Design
Empyreal Logo Design by Nick Stewart
Energy Wordmark by Nick Stewart
GO 3 by MisterShot
Lown & Behold by Andreas Pedersen
Modern, Black Nautical Logo Design by LaVitaBella67
Modern, Unique Craft Brewery Logo Design by mildtravis
Vanguard Wordmark by Nick Stewart
Wise Wordmarks by Focus Lab
Make your Creative Logo Today
And there you have it, our top picks for creative logo designs. We hope you loved what you saw and got inspired by the visuals.
Either way, if you still need any help from us regarding any type of design, our community of freelance designers is here to help. But if you want to create your logo, visit our online logo maker at BrandCrowd.
Bring out your creativity and touch the lives of your market today!
Read More on Logos Here:
Written by DesignCrowd on Tuesday, July 12, 2022
DesignCrowd is an online marketplace providing logo, website, print and graphic design services by providing access to freelance graphic designers and design studios around the world.