On this week’s episode of the podcast, I interview Adrian Twarog. He’s a Software Engineer who started his career by working as the office IT guy for 10 years. He’s since published YouTube courses that millions of people have watched.
We talk about:
How Adrian built his development skills by volunteering to taking on web design projects at work
How he started making design tutorials on YouTube and published 300 in a single year
How he was early to the AI engineering craze and published GPT tutorials with millions of views – Adrian’s many freeCodeCamp courses, and his gorgeous book on design fundamentals
Being a dev in Perth, Australia – on the other side of the Earth from Silicon Valley – yet still staying at the forefront of the state of the art
Can you guess what song I’m playing on my bass during the intro? It’s from a 1995 industrial rock anthem.
Also, I want to thank the 9,771 kind people who support our charity each month, and who make this podcast possible. You can join them and support our mission at: https://www.freecodecamp.org/donate
You can watch the interview on YouTube:
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Links we talk about during our conversation: