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9 UI/UX Design Trends To Follow This 2023

Graphic Design9 UI/UX Design Trends To Follow This 2023

Newer technologies keep the world of UI/UX design evolving. New smartphones, new virtual assistants, new artificial intelligence tools mean that UI/UX designers need to stay updated to the changing needs of the tech market. 

These needs bring about different trends in UI/UX design. Although we’re halfway through 2023, it’s still important to be aware of these trends to stay ahead of the game.

Let’s take a look at some of the latest UI/UX design trends to watch for this year, and see which one you can apply to your designs — whether you are looking to create a smoother experience for your mobile app or looking for an innovative way to incorporate your logo that you created on our logo maker on your website. 

Why You Need Great UI/ UX Design

With millions of apps and websites today, having a great UI/ UX design will give you that cutting edge. Users want products that look great and are easy to use. If your product doesn’t meet their high standards, then they will easily move on to the next.

For the visual design or the UI, aside from looking aesthetically pleasing, it should also be easy to understand. This means your layout is simple and clean, your buttons clearly indicate the next actions, your icons are intuitive, etc. They should also reflect your brand identity. 

Your functionalities or UX should also be top-notch. This means your product is easy to navigate, loads fast, and is accessible no matter what your user’s needs or preferences are. 

Having a great UI/UX design is crucial if you want to engage your users, provide them with a positive experience, and strengthen your branding. If you require assistance, consider exploring our freelance app designers, freelance web designers, or partnering with webflow agency for expert design solutions.

UI/ UX Designs For 2023

Now you know the importance of great UI/ UX design. But staying up to date with the latest design trends is also crucial if you want to stay relevant and make your product appeal to your users’ ever-changing tastes. 

We scoured the web and listed down below the latest UI/ UX design trends that you may want to consider for your mobile app or website. Let’s dive in, shall we?


The minimalism trend is still going strong even after many years. For this trend, muted color palettes, clean layouts, abundant use of white space, limited graphics, flat design, and simple typography reign supreme. 

Minimalism also prioritizes content and functionality over visuals. Since there is less visual noise to get distracted by, users have an easier time navigating sites. Minimalist designs are also easier to adapt to different screen sizes.

Light / Dark Mode and Color Scheme Variety

Dark mode is everywhere nowadays. In fact, 81.9% of people use dark mode on their phones or apps. And it’s not surprising, as this mode helps reduce eye strain, enhance focus, and save battery health.

But this doesn’t mean that you should forget your users that prefer light mode! To cater to your different user needs, consider adding a light and dark mode toggle during your web or app development process.

Your users shouldn’t be limited to light and dark either. Providing them the option to customize and choose from different color schemes for your app or site is also a great way to improve user experience. Some popular apps that do this are Slack and Asana not to mention the many alternative solutions to Asana that are available.


Brutalism is characterized by huge and unique fonts, bright contrasting colors, lack of grid lines, and raw graphics. It’s the complete opposite of the chic and elegant minimalist designs. Instead, they focus on breaking the norms and rules of graphic design.

If you have quirky and bold branding, using brutalism in your designs is a great way to showcase your personality. This intriguing design style can also help you stand out from the crowd. 

Bold typography

Fun and eclectic typography are seeing a resurgence this 2023. Some examples are oversized typography, distorted fonts, and retro fonts. Retro logos in particular are popular with the return of the Y2K aesthetic.

You can also try bubble typography, which is characterized by soft and rounded edges. This fluid and floaty look will pair well with the neuromorphic UI designs. 

UI Cards

Did you know that most popular apps use cards in their UI design? Some examples are Netflix (you see a card when you tap on a show), Bumble (all profiles are on cards), and DoorDash (see their food listings? They are all on cards). 

Cards are UI components that contain an image, title, description, CTA, and if needed, some subheadings or icons. Cards are a great way to help the user focus on one thing at a time and not overwhelm them. It also simplifies the process of browsing for most sites and apps.

Apps can benefit from using cards, no matter what industry or niche they are in. Why not try it on yours?


Have you ever clicked a heart icon and have it pop up? How about seeing an animated text bubble while you are in a chat app? Or having a page fly off when you swipe through it?

All these fun animations and actions are called microinteractions. These are great for adding to user enjoyment and engagement. Instead of having a static heart, making them move and pop-up is definitely more enjoyable to watch.

Microinteractions also serve as visual cues. For example, adding a rotating hourglass to your loading screen will let your user know that the page is still loading. If it was just static, some users might think that the page had an error instead. 

Accessibility for all

The demand for accessibility and inclusivity has definitely increased. Your app or website should be accessible to everyone — regardless of their age, gender, race, language, situation, abilities, or context.

Some examples are adding a widget to make a text or cursor bigger, making the designs screen-reader friendly, providing properly formatted transcriptions or subtitles, or using device motion. All of these can help in providing a more accessible design for users. 


Did you know that 74% of users feel frustrated when a website content is not personalized? With the abundance of data that UI/UX designers have, there’s no excuse to not provide a personalized experience for your users anymore.

Particularly for e-commerce sites, social apps, and entertainment apps, users prefer seeing recommendations that are tailored to their tastes and preferences. Think about it. When you are scrolling through your music app, you’ll want to see songs that are similar to the ones that you love, right? 

If you want to stay competitive and relevant, make sure to personalize your user experience. 

Immersive Scrolling

Last but not the least is immersive scrolling. While you are probably used to scrolling down in apps and websites, immersive scrolling gives you the option to scroll left and right and sometimes even do a 360°. 

This UX trend is visually appealing and enjoyable to users. It also gives them more incentive to play around and engage with your site instead of just quickly moving on to the next. Sounds great, right?

Create Your UI/ UX Design Today

There are many innovative trends in UI/ UX design that you can apply to your mobile app or website. Whether you are starting from scratch or you just want to give your digital products a refresh, we hope the list above has inspired you. If you need more tips on how to create the best UI/UX for your website, feel free to browse our blog as well.

And if you’re looking for other branding materials to complete your app or website, check out our AI logo generator, business name generator, or business card maker. 

We wish you the best of luck with your design journey!

Written by DesignCrowd on Wednesday, July 19, 2023

DesignCrowd is an online marketplace providing logo, website, print and graphic design services by providing access to freelance graphic designers and design studios around the world.

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