Sunday, September 8, 2024

6 Tips on How To Brand Your Emails

Graphic Design6 Tips on How To Brand Your Emails

Email marketing is one of the most popular and cost-effective marketing strategies. In fact, according to studies, for every $1 you spend, you get a $38 ROI in exchange. Email marketing is the way to go if you want to boost conversions and engage your audience without spending a fortune. 

But with hundreds of emails clogging up your audience’s full inbox, how do you stand out? The answer is to add your branding. 

In addition to your logo design join us as we look at different ways to add your branding to your emails and boost your email marketing success, all with the help of our logo maker tool.

Let’s get started!

Why Is Branding Your Emails Important?

Branding your emails has many benefits, including:

Makes you look more professional

Imagine that you receive an email campaign from a brand that has no logo, no design, and no email signature vs. one that is fully branded. Which one will you open? For sure, it’s the second one.

Having a branded email makes you look more professional and credible. It says that you are an established and high-quality business and not just a random brand. It also conveys to your customers that you are meticulous and detail-oriented and that you care about your whole business down to the emails you send out. 

Increased trust and security

Aside from looking professional, a branded business email are more trustworthy in your customer’s eyes. If you receive an unbranded email, it’s easy to dismiss it as spam or a scam email, right? But with your branding in place, your emails will look more legitimate and trustworthy.

This is especially important for small businesses and new brands, as they must do everything possible to look legitimate like their other established competitors. 

Increased brand recognition

Incorporating your branding into your emails increases its visibility. Each time your customers see your emails, your brand identity is also reinforced. Over time, they’ll recognize your color palette, or associate your custom font style with your brand.

Improving brand recognition is one of the most important things you can do for your business. It helps put your brand at the forefront of your customer’s minds so that when it’s time for them to choose a brand, they remember you first. 

Helps you stand out

A person usually receives 100 to 120 emails per day. Yes, it’s a lot! So how will branding help you stand out? 

Well, it’s simple. Branding involves personalized design, unique typography, colorful logos, and a specific brand voice. Having these unique and eye-catching elements together helps elevate your emails compared to your competitors. 

People will remember your pastel color palette, your dynamic fonts, or the way you write your messages. It will quickly help you stand out compared to if you send out a plain email. 

Creates consistency

Your emails are just a part of your overall marketing strategy. It must be consistent with how you design your other marketing materials — from your packaging, label design, and website down to your Facebook Ads.

By having solid branding and following your brand style guide, your marketing materials will look consistent and harmonious with each other. The result? You’ll increase familiarity, recognition, and trust with your brand. 

6 Tips on How to Brand Your Emails

Now that you know the importance of branding your emails, let’s discuss how actually to do it. Here are some tips:

1. Add your logo

Your logo is your main branding asset, so you should incorporate it in all your emails. Place it at the top and center so it’s instantly visible to your customers. 

If you don’t have a logo yet, check out our AI logo generator or look into our freelance designers to help you get started. 

2. Use your color scheme

Using your color palette or color schemes in your email marketing will make them look more consistent with your branding.. 

For example, ever noticed how Netflix designs its emails? They use the same black and red color scheme that they have on their website with their emails. So whenever you view their emails, even without reading the content, you’ll know you receive an email from Netflix. 

Whether you have a muted color palette or a lively one, make sure you constantly use it to boost your email branding. 

3. Use your typography

Your typography matters, just like your color scheme. Using your typography and custom fonts constantly will help associate those elements with your brand. 

Of course, this doesn’t necessarily mean that if you have a calligraphy logo, you need to use that same font in your emails. It’s best to keep it simple. Pick a clean and legible font, and use that for all your long-form text. Do it for your emails, website, brochures, etc.  

That way, you still have a font that can be tied in to your brand, but still make it easy for your customers to read your messages.

4. Visuals matter

The visuals you use in your emails need to be beautiful and eye-catching and related to your branding. For example, using black and white photographs will work with your aesthetic if you have a chic brand identity. Meanwhile, rounded and cartoon graphics will work if you have a friendly and young brand image. 

5. Consistent layout

Will you use a single layout? Will you always start with an image first, followed by your text? Will you use square icons, or a rounded one?  Will you use a bullet form, or a numbered form instead? 

Your visuals are not just what matters in your email. Even your layout needs consideration. And as always, following a consistent pattern is key when it comes to successfully branding your emails. 

6. Write in your brand voice

Notice how some brands use Gen-Z slang, while others use a direct and professional tone? It’s what we call brand voice —the tone and writing style brands use in their marketing.

Make sure always to write your emails using your brand voice to boost your email marketing. Your emails need to sound like it’s coming from your brand and not just random emails that anyone could write. 

Stand Out With Your Branded Emails Today! 

Branding doesn’t stop with your logo and slogan. It’s a continuous effort and process that should include all your marketing materials. Your emails in particular will need that extra boost to make it stand out in a full inbox. 

We hope the tips above help you. If you need more information, browse our blog for more design and branding tips. 

If you are ready to embark on your branding journey, our customizable email signature maker, business card maker, and TikTok video maker can help you. 

Create your design today!

Read More on Branding Here:


Written by DesignCrowd on Wednesday, July 26, 2023

DesignCrowd is an online marketplace providing logo, website, print and graphic design services by providing access to freelance graphic designers and design studios around the world.

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