The first cryptocurrency network was created in 2009 and has led to a dynamic, fast-growing market for investors and speculators with millions of people around the world now buying goods and services or raising capital using cryptocurrencies via blockchain technologies. According to industry platform CoinMarketCap, Bitcoin, Ripple, Ethereum, XRP and Bitcoin Cash among others have a market capitalisation of $212B to date.
Cryptocurrencies, blockchain contracts, cryptocurrency mining – they’re all huge buzzwords beyond the world of finance and investing. The digital currency system still confuses most people and is subject to criticism and debate, especially when it comes to the system’s legality from country to country. (South Korea has hinted at blanket bands on initial coin offerings.)
New currencies and new cyrpto-related businesses need logos to stand out from the competition. Cryptocurrency logo designs are simple yet striking. Popular logotypes include lettermark logos and symbols that closely resemble world currency symbols, with circle logos appearing often. Some designs are inspired by geometric shapes. Like the currency itself, blockchain logos are modern and incorporate digital characteristics like pixels, network circuits and cubes.
Whether you’re opening a cryptocurrency maverick trading platform, preparing for a white paper for an initial coin offering, the following 62 bitcoin, altcoin, cryptocurrency & blockchain logo ideas will help you get ideas that you’ll need for your branding!